
Configure app project settings

All of your app-level settings are located in the settings modal. You can open it from the left menu bar.


Restoring Default Values

You can restore any of the app settings back to their default values by clicking the yellow dot next to the name of the property.


Update the basic details of your project.




Set the name for your app. This name will also be the name of the folder that is downloaded when you export your project.


Add more information about your application and state its purpose.

Project Status

Apps are set to Draft by default. To publish an app, it must be set to Live. Once set to Live, and app cannot be set back to Draft.

App Icon

Upload a .png image to use as your app's icon that will be displayed on a phone's home screen. Additionally, the icon will be displayed in Draftbit on the Dashboard.

Splash Screen

Upload a .png image that will be displayed while the application is loading.

Background Color

The colour will appear on the loading screen if a Splash Screen is not uploaded.

Background Resize Mode


The image is resized to fill the container while retaining its proportions, even if the container is larger than the dimensions of the image.


The image is resized so that the picture fits within the container and is fully visible, even if that means the image will not fill the entire container.


Configure the advanced settings for your app.





Allows you to define a URL scheme to link into your app. To use Deep Linking in your app, you will need to define a Scheme. From other apps or links, the value of the Scheme property is used to open the app.

For example, if you set the scheme myapp://, then any myapp://URL will open your app when tapped on that link.


If you are planning on publishing your application on Expo, the slug refers to the application's URL ending. Since this will be used in a URL, make sure to separate words with '-' instead of spaces.

An example: where the slug is my-draftbit-app.

Project ID

A unique project ID for your app

Platform Specific App

Define if your application supports Android, iOS, Web or All platforms. Defaults to All.

Preview App

Switch between which preview app is supported during development. Defaults to Draftbit Live Preview




Force Orientation

Select how your application is oriented on the screen. Defaults to 'Default' means the application will not be constrained to just one mode, either portrait or landscape.

User Interface Style

Configuration to force the app always to use the light or dark user-interface appearance, such as "dark mode", or make it automatically adapt to the system preferences.
Defaults to Light.




Offline Mode

Used to display a message to the app user when the application goes offline or there is no internet availability.

Provides three options to select from: None (default), Banner, and Full.

Offline Mode Message

Enter a custom message to be displayed when device is offline and Offline Mode is enabled.


These settings are used to configure Android versions of your project.




Background Color

To set the Background color of the app. Defaults to white (#ffffff)

User Interface Style

Configuration to force the app always to use the light or dark user-interface appearance, such as "dark mode", or make it automatically adapt to the system preferences.
Defaults to Light.

Adaptive Icon

The Android Adaptive Icon is formed from two separate layers — a foreground image and a background color or image. This allows the OS to mask the icon into different shapes and also supports visual effects. For Android 13 and later, the OS supports a themed app icon that uses a wallpaper and theme to determine the color set by the device's theme.

Foreground ImageSpecify the foreground image. Must be a.png file.
Monochrome ImageSpecify the foreground image. Must be a.png file.
Background ColorSpecify a background color. Default is white

Status Bar

Bar StyleSelect bar style: Light Content or Dark Content.
Background ColorUpdate the Android app status bar color from here.
HiddenThe status bar can be made hidden using this setting.
Translucent?Whether the Status bar needs to be translucent or not.


If you configure the Status Bar on a specific screen, it will override the global settings for that screen only.

Navigation Bar



Bar Style

Select bar style whether needed to be Light Content or Dark Content.


The navigation bar Visibility setting can be updated from here:

  • *leanback:** This behavior hides the navigation bar until the user interacts with the screen.
  • *immersive:** This behavior keeps the navigation bar hidden until the user swipes upwards from the bottom edge of the screen where the navigation bar would typically reside.
  • *sticky-immersive: **This behavior is similar to immersive, with the key difference being that the navigation bar remains partially visible even when hidden.

Background Color

The background color of the Navigation bar can be updated from here.


Navigation bar color will ignore transparent color setting. The changes in this setting will only appear in the published app.


Define what permissions the app will ask for when installed. All permissions are disabled by default. You will have to set permissions manually for each device functionality.

If your application uses a device/hardware feature (an example: Camera), it is required to enable that permission under this section before publishing the app to the Google Play Store.

You can enter a custom message for each notification.


These settings are used to configure iOS versions of your project.




Background Color

To set the Background color of the app. Defaults to white (#ffffff)

User Interface Style

Configuration to force the app always to use the light or dark user-interface appearance, such as "dark mode", or make it automatically adapt to the system preferences.
Defaults to Light.

Device Support



Supports Tablet

Define if your application supports tablets. Defaults to No.

Tablet Only?

If your application supports tablets only.
Defaults to No.

Require Fullscreen

Defaults to No.


Define what permissions the app will ask for when installed. All permissions are disabled by default. You will have to set permissions manually for each device functionality.

Note: If your application uses a device/hardware feature (an example: Camera), it is required to enable that permission under this section before publishing the app to the Google Play Store.

You can enter a custom message for each notification.

Web (PWA)

These settings are used to configure Web (PWA) versions of your project.

PWA Publishing

Show PWA WrapperDefaults to Yes.




Force Orientation

Select the preferred orientation of the app from the available options:

  1. Any
  2. Natural
  3. Landscape
  4. Landscape Primary
  5. Landscape Secondary
  6. Portrait
  7. Portrait Primary
  8. Portrait Secondary

Display Mode

Select the prefered display mode of PWA from the below options:

  1. Fullscreen
  2. Standalone
  3. Minimal UI
  4. Browser

Prefer Related App?

Defaults to No.


PWA Theme ColorThe default theme colour of the PWA.
Background ColorWe can update the background colour from here.
Bar StyleSelect the Bar Style: Default, Black or Black Translucent.

Push Notifications

Configure the push notification settings for your app.


ColorThe colour of the Notification bar can be updated from here.
Should Show AlertShows the notification alert whenever a notification is delivered. By default, it is enabled.
Should Play SoundPlays the device's notification sound when the notification is delivered. By default, it is disabled.
Should Set BadgeDisplay a badge depending on the number of notifications. By default, it is disabled.
Always Clear Badge?Clears the badge of notification. By default, it is disabled.




iOS Display in Foreground

You can enable the iOS notification Display while the app is in Foreground.

Defaults to NO.

Allow Background Push?

Allows the app to deliver notifications in the background. By default, it is disabled.




Android Notification Mode

Set a notification appearance mode for Android devices.

Defaults to Default that displays an expanded notification.

The Collapse mode displays a notification in non-expanded mode.

Android Notification Icon

Set a custom icon to use for push notifications on Android devices. For your notification icon, make sure you follow Google's design guidelines (the icon must be all white with a transparent background and 96px x 96px) or else it may not be displayed as intended.


These keys are used to enable external integrations in your project.

Segment Analytics

Segment KeyAdd a Segment key to enable it in the app.

Google Maps

Android Maps KeyAdd Google Maps Key here to enable Google maps Android.
iOS Maps KeyAdd Google Maps Key here to enable Google maps on iOS.
Web Maps KeyAdd Google Maps Key here to enable Google maps on web


Use your own API key for the Code Assistant and Image Generation.

OpenAI API KeyAdd an OpenAI API key here to use AI features beyond plan limits


Connect your GitHub repo to Draftbit and commit code directly to a branch.



Repository URL

The repository can live under a user or organization account.

Branch Name

Add the Branch Name here.
Make sure the branch exists in your repository.

GitHub Token

Add GitHub token here.
Create a personal access token with "repo" scopes here.

Apple App Store

This information is required for us to publish to the Apple App Store on your behalf.

Build Configuration

Please choose a unique package name for your app, preferably using the reverse-DNS name structure. For example, if the domain you will use for this app is, set your package name to com.example.appname

Bundle IdentifierThe app bundle identifier is to be updated here.
App Store App IDadd App Store App ID here.
iOS Build TypeSelect build type from: Build, Publish or Custom.

App Store Credentials

These credentials from your Apple Developer Account and Apple App Store Account are required for us to complete the iOS build and submission process on your behalf. Having trouble finding them? Follow our guide.

Connect Private KeyGenerating an API key allows you to configure, authenticate, and use one or more Apple services for that key. Keys don’t expire, but can’t be modified to access more services once created. You can have a maximum of 50 active keys at a time.
Connect Key IdConnect key ID is the ID of Connect private key.
Connect Issuer KeyIdentifies the issuer who created the authentication token.

App Store Related Settings



App Store URL

Need to add the app store URL of the app here.

Uses Apple Auth

A boolean indicating if the app uses Apple Sign-In.
Defaults to NO.

Uses iCloud Storage

A boolean indicating if the app uses iCloud Storage.
Defaults to NO.

Non-Exempt Encryption

Apple App Store Connect prompts you to select the type of encryption algorithm your app implements. This is known as Export Compliance Information. It is asked when publishing the app or submitting for TestFlight.

When using expo-secure-store, you can set the value to No

Setting this property automatically handles the compliance information prompt.

Associated Domains

An array that contains Associated Domains for the standalone app.

UI Background Modes

Allows configuring a notification in background mode.

Deep Links To Other Apps

Allows Deep Linking to another application.

Google Play Store

This information is required for us to publish to the Google Play Store on your behalf.

EXPO EAS Account

We use Expo EAS to complete the Android build and submission process on your behalf. You will need to create a free Expo account to get started. Once your account has been created, please invite to your Expo account.



Expo Account Name

Need to add the expo account name here.

What kind of build?

Select the build option:

  1. Build
  2. Build & Submit
  3. Disabled

Build Configuration

Please choose a unique package name for your app, preferably using the reverse-dns name structure. For example, if the domain you will use for this app is, set your package name to com.example.appname.



Package Name

Need to add the package name here.

Release Status

To select the release status of the app:

  1. In Progress
  2. Draft
  3. Halted
  4. CompletedDefaults to Draft.

Google Service Account

We require this to upload builds to your Google Play Console. Note: Google requires you manually upload a binary to any new app you create. We'll handle uploading all future binaries using this key. Having trouble? Follow our guide.

Service Account FileNeed to upload the Service account file here.

Play Store Related Settings



Play Store URL

To add the play store URL.

Allow Backup

Allows users' app data to be automatically backed up to their Google Drive.
Defaults to NO.


We use Expo and Expo EAS to build, preview and publish your application. Expo is regularly updated with new features, performance improvements and bug fixes. We advise using the recommended version of Expo.

Update Expo Version

Select the version of Expo you want to use in previews, publishing, and code export.

Expo versionSelect the Expo version of the app. Defaults to latest available version.


For application publishing settings

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