REST API Endpoints

Endpoints work with API Services to let your app connect to specific resources from your server or backend

First make sure you've created at least one REST API Service in your app. After you've created a REST API Service, you'll be prompted to add new Endpoints for your service.

An Endpoint is a specific path associated with your API service that is appended to the Dev URL or Prod URL. These are used to make HTTP requests from your application to your API using standard GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods.

Endpoints are usually associated with a particular resource. For example, if your app is about cooking you might have a group of Endpoints for a 'recipes' resource so that users can perform CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) on recipes. And maybe another group of Endpoints for an 'articles' resource.

These Endpoints can then be used by a Fetch component or API Request Action in your app to work with your data.


It's recommended to not use periods (".") in endpoint field names

Adding an Endpoint

To add an Endpoint, select on one of your existing REST API Services in the API & Cloud Services modal then simply click the Add New Endpoint button located in the Endpoints section.

Configuring an Endpoint

Creating a new Endpoint requires several configuration steps that you'll be guided through. Depending on the type of Endpoint you are creating, some settings may not be available and others may be optional.





Add a name to the Endpoint to identify it in the Draftbit builder interface.


Select an HTTP method to make the appropriate request depending on your API endpoint.

GET: Read data
POST: Create data
PUT: Update data
PATCH: Update data
DELETE: Delete data

Object & Role

We utilize Objects and Roles in queries to optimize fetching and caching data in your app. They also help keep the UI updated when data changes somewhere in your app.


You should only have one Object and Role combination (e.g. Get Many Posts) per API service.




Roles describe what this Endpoint intends to do, i.e. the verb (e.g. Get Many). You can select an option from the dropdown. For example, if you're creating an Endpoint that returns an array of many blog posts, you would select Get Many

Get One: Getting a single record
Get Many: Getting multiple records
Create: Creating a new record
Update: Updating an existing record
Delete: Deleting an existing record
Login: Authenticating a user
Register: Registering a user
Me: Retrieving the current user
Refresh Token: Updating a refresh token


Object describes what data type the Endpoint manipulates and are typically described with nouns (e.g. Post). You can type a new value into the input or select an existing Object type from the dropdown.

For example, when you are building a blogging app, the Endpoints for fetching a list of posts and creating a new post should both have the same Object type, such as Post.

Path & Parameters

The Path will be appended to the Base URL you defined when creating the associated REST API Service. In this example, is the Base URL for the API service and /posts/123 is the Endpoint Path.

You can use {{variable}} syntax in the path to create dynamic paths. For example, if we had a connection to the above example API, our Endpoint path to get a post by a dynamic value like id would look like this: /posts/{{id}}.

In the Query Parameters section, you can specify any standard query string parameters and these can also be combined with the {{variable}} syntax. For example, we might have an endpoint for our API that accepts query string parameters to further refine the request, such as:


Or even something more complex, like this:


When you use {{variables}} in the Path or Query Parameters, you'll be able to pass values into those variables when testing your Endpoint (explained further down the page) and when using the Endpoint with a Fetch component or API Request Action.




Appended to the Base URL to complete your request. In the case of dynamic values, pass a {{variable}}. For example, /posts/{{id}}

Query Parameters

Click the +Add button to include any query parameters your endpoint supports and their format. Any {{variables}} in the format string can be passed values at app runtime.

Key: The name of the query parameter
Format: The format of the value. Can include static text and {{variables}}
Required: Whether the query parameter is required to be set to send the request

Request Body

Only available forPOST, PUT and PATCH requests.

Here you can define a body structure using valid JSON format for the request. To create a variable for passing data, use {{variable}} syntax as values for the keys defined in the Body Structure. This way, you can map these variables when sending an API request from a Fetch component or API Requst Action.

For example, if we are creating an Endpoint that is making a POST request to our API that stores a new article in our database, we might pass a JSON structure like this as the body of our request:

  "title": {{title}},
  "body": {{content}}

Of course, you can also pass more complex JSON structures if your app requires it:

  "create": {
    "type": "post",
    "fields": [
      { "key": "title", "value": {{title}} },
      { "key": "content", "value": {{content}} }

To make specific keys require a value within the Body Structure, you can add an exclamation point (!) to the end of the variable name. In the example below, the title is required, but body would be optional:

  "title": {{title!}},
  "body": {{body}}



Body Structure

The JSON structure of your request body. In the case of dynamic values, pass a {{variable}}. For example, /posts/{{id}}

Add an exclamation point (!) to the end of the variable name to make it required for completing the request.

To preview the structure of the request's body, including any test values, you can switch to the Body Preview tab:


Here you can set HTTP headers for this specific Endpoint. If you need to set HTTP headers for ALL Endpoints that will be associated with this Service, you can set them in the Service's configuration. Any header defined by the API service will be automatically added here.

If you have existing headers set on the Service level and create the same headers for an Endpoint, the headers for the Endpoint will be used.

You can type a value directly into the value field or select a variable that you've created from the dropdown.

KeyThe HTTP header nameAuthorization
ValueThe value or variable associated with the headerauth_token (Device Variable)



By default, Draftbit sets the Accept and Content-Type headers to application\json since Draftbit only supports JSON data.


Only available for requests using {{variables}}

Here you can provide test values for any {{variables}} that you've included in the Path and Query Parameters, in addition to the Body Structure of a request using the POST, PUT, or PATCH methods. Type a value directly into the value field or select a Variable that you've created from the dropdown.


Test + Default Values

These values will be set when testing your Endpoint before saving (see next section) and they will also be used as the default values when using the Endpoint with a Fetch component or API Requst Action.




The name you assigned to the variable when creating it (read-only)


The test/default value to use for the variable


Indicates where the variable is being used in the request

Path: The variables is located in the path
Query: The variable is located in the query string
Body: The variable is located in the request body

Test & Preview Response

Once you configured your Endpoint, you can then click preview the full Endpoint URL and click the Test button to test the request before saving.

When the request is successful, the response will be displayed and you can finish by clicking the Save button. If the server returns a response with an error the status code and message will be displayed.


Don't use Skip!

Using Skip will let you use your Endpoint without testing, BUT you will not be shown a list of available fields for data returned by this Endpoint when using it in a Component or Action and you'll lose other benefits from having a data schema associated with your Endpoint.

If for some reason you really need to skip, you should come back and Test then re-save the Endpoint as soon as possible.

Editing an Endpoint

Click on one of your existing Services in the API & Cloud Services modal and select the Endpoint from the Endpoints section to adjust any of the previously configured settings.


If your Endpoint is automatically managed from an OpenAPI spec, only a limited set of props will be editable. To make changes, it's recommended to update and re-fetch your schema or switch the API service to Manual Configuration Mode

Duplicating an Endpoint

To duplicate an Endpoint, click the overflow menu (...) for the Endpoint you want to duplicate and then click Duplicate.

Deleting an Endpoint

To delete an Endpoint, click the overflow menu (...) for the Endpoint you want to delete and then click Delete.


This is permanent

When you delete an Endpoint all Fetch components and API Request Actions that reference the Endpoint will also be reset. This can't be undone!

CORS Issues

If you encounter CORS issues, you can update your server to allow access from the following origins:

Additional Resources

What’s Next

With Endpoints set up, you can now work with data in your app