Number Input

A basic and customizable Number Input field that logs user input from the keyboard. You can use a Number Input component to input the numbers to be stored or processed.

By default, the Number Input component includes a default value of 0.

Style Properties

Style properties allow you to customize the look and feel of the component. Combinations of styles applied to components can be saved as Stylesheets to easily reuse styles throughout your app. Styles can also be set dynamically using Variables. To learn more about all the different styling properties and how they work, take a look at Intro to Styling.

Component Specific Styles

Underline ColorAllows you to set the color of the line that appears under text when the user is finished typing. Android Only.
Placeholder Text ColorAllows you to set the color of the placeholder text.
Selection ColorAllows you to change the color of the highlight over selected text in the input.

Configuration Properties


Component nameTo alter the name of the component. The name is reflected in the Components tree. Defaults to Text Input.
DisabledAllows you to disable the input field
Max lengthAllows you to set a maximum number of characters that can be entered into the input.
Placeholder TextText to appear while the text input is blank.
Multiple LinesWhen enabled, the text will wrap and extend to multiples lines instead of extending past the screen.
Number of LinesOnly applicable when Multiple Lines is enabled. Allows you to set how many lines the text input will extend to.
Clear Button ModeiOS only. When the clear button should appear on the right side of the text view. This property is supported only for single-line TextInput component.
Clear Text on FocusWhen enabled, all text in the input will be deleted when the input is focused on.
Enables Return Key AutomaticallyWhen enabled, the return key will be disabled until the user inputs text in the field.
Auto FocusWhen enabled, the keyboard will open as soon as the screen loads, and the input will immediately be ready to use.
Web OutlineBy default, web browsers add a colored outline to many input components when they're focused for accessibility reasons. When enabled, the outline will be shown.


Hide CaretWhen enabled, the cursor in the text input will be hidden.
Hide Context MenuWhen enabled, the context menu will become hidden.
Keyboard AppearanceDetermines the color of the keyboard.
Keyboard TypeAllows you to select the type of keyboard that will appear when the user focuses on the text input. Examples
Return Key LabelAndroid only alternative to Return Key Type.
Return Key TypeAllows you to select the type of return key the user will see.
Select Text on FocusIf enabled, all text will automatically be selected on focus.
Allow Font ScalingWhen enabled, font sizes in the input will scale to match with the text size the user has set in their accessibility settings.
EditableAllows you to toggle if the text input is able to be used or not.

Data Configuration

Data SourceInitialize the stateful component with a value from a data source.

Conditional Display

You can conditionally display a component based on a given condition. Learn more about conditionally displaying components in the Conditional Display doc.


Trigger nameDescription
On Change TextStarts the action when the text is changed
On Return KeyStarts the action when the Return/Enter key is pressed
On FocusStarts the action when the element is focused
On BlurStarts the action when the element is blurred/unfocused
On Change Text DelayedStarts the action after a given delay from when editing has stopped (debouncing)

Using a Pre-filled Value

To use the Text Input field with an initial value:

  • Go to the Data tab (third tab) in the Properties Panel.
  • In the Initial Value property, enter the text.

Styling the Text in the Number Input field

To customize the styles of text in the Number Input field:

  • Go to the Styles tab (first tab) in the Properties Panel.
  • Under Style section, you can modify Font, Size, Color, etc.

Customize Number Input

To customize the Number` Input field:

  • Go to the Styles tab (first tab) in the Properties Panel.
  • You can now modify Background Color, apply padding, change border radius, border color, etc.