Safe Area is used to ensure that the elements of the your Screen display correctly on devices with notches and UI elements which may overlap the app content. Those items include:

  • Physical notches
  • Status bar overlay
  • Home activity indicator on iOS
  • Navigation bar on Android

The area not overlapped by such items is referred to as "Safe Area" and is calculated based on the device the app is running on.


Safe Area View should usually be enabled if you've hidden the header from the Screen's parent navigator within the Navigation config

How to Use

Safe Area is applied to Screens from a Screen's Config panel and there are props to control all or individual insets.

Safe Area ViewWhen enabled, Safe Area is calculated for all sides of the device
Top Area ViewWhen enabled, Safe Area is calculated for the top side of the device
Bottom Area ViewWhen enabled, Safe Area is calculated for the bottom of the device
Left Area ViewWhen enabled, Safe Area is calculated for the left side of the device
Right Area ViewWhen enabled, Safe Area is calculated for the right side of the device