Checkbox Row

Just like Checkbox, but accompanied by a label in a row format.

How to use

  • Select the Checkbox row component in the Components tree.
  • Go to the Data tab (third tab) in the Properties Panel.
  • On Label, you can change the text body of the Checkbox row. This can be set through a variable that is created under Variables modal.

Just like in the Checkbox component, to manipulate the value of the Checkbox row in an API request, you will use the Screen variable mapped to its Data Source property value to send as the body of the API request action. The 'Data Source' property value is available in the third tab. By default each Checkbox row component you add has its own defined screen variable.

Style Properties

Style properties allow you to customize the look and feel of the component. Combinations of styles applied to components can be saved as Stylesheets to easily reuse styles throughout your app. Styles can also be set dynamically using Variables. To learn more about all the different styling properties and how they work, take a look at Intro to Styling.

Component Specific Styles

ColorSet the background color of the checkbox for its selected state.
Unselected ColorSet the background color of the checkbox for its unselected state.
SizeSize of the checkbox.
DirectionSets the direction so that the element will appear on the left or righ

Configuration Properties

Component nameTo alter the name of the component. The name is reflected in the Components tree. Defaults to Checkbox row.

Data Properties



Data Source

Initialize the stateful component with a value from a data source.


Label to show with the checkbox row


Initialize by a boolean value from a data source. Remove check functionality, gray out the checkbox, and sets it as unselected.

Accepted values: true or false.

Checked Icon

Select an icon from the icon picker to display when for the selected state.

Custom Checked Icon

Render an icon using a string of the icon's identifier. Overrides the 'icon' property. Full list of icons here. Ex: 'Foundation/align-right', 'Feather/check'

Unchecked Icon

Select an icon from the icon picker to display when for the unselected state.

Custom Unchecked Icon

Render an icon using a string of the icon's identifier. Overrides the 'icon' property. Full list of icons here. Ex: 'Foundation/align-right', 'Feather/check'

Conditional Display

You can conditionally display a component based on a given condition. Learn more about conditionally displaying components in the Conditional Display doc.


The Checkbox row component offers several ways for you to trigger Actions when a user interacts with it in your app.

On PressThis Trigger will fire every time the Checkbox row is clicked/tapped and runs the associated Actions
On CheckThis Trigger will fire every time the Checkbox row's state changes to 'checked' and runs the associated Actions
On UncheckThis Trigger will fire every time the Checkbox row's state changes to 'unchecked' and runs the associated Actions