Image Background

A component that allows you to set a background image to cover the entire screen. You can add child components to it to layer them on top of it.

How to use

In the Data tab (third tab) in the Properties Panel, set the Source Type to Static. Then, in Source, select the image from uploaded assets.

Any component that is added as a child to the Image Background component will be positioned above the image on the screen

There are three different options available to assign a Source Type to an image:

  • Static when the image source is an uploaded asset
  • Remote Url when the image source is an url
  • Data when the image source is coming from the REST API service you've integrated inside Draftbit.

Style Properties

Style properties allow you to customize the look and feel of the component. Combinations of styles applied to components can be saved as Stylesheets to easily reuse styles throughout your app. Styles can also be set dynamically using Variables. To learn more about all the different styling properties and how they work, take a look at Intro to Styling.

Configuration Properties

Component NameTo alter the name of the component. The name is reflected in the Components tree. Defaults to Image Background.
Resize ModeSet how to resize the image when the dimensions set in the component don't match the actual dimensions of the image. Refer to the Resize Mode table in the Image component to learn more about each setting.
Background ColorSet the background color on the image.
Backface VisibilitySets whether the back face of an element is visible when turned towards the user.

Data Properties



Source Type

Select the type of source to use for the image

Static: Use when the image source is an uploaded Asset that will be bundled with your app's code.

Remote Url: Use when the image source is a static URL that won't change.

Data: Use when the image URL is dynamic and coming from an REST API Endpoint.


Set the source to use for the image depending on which Source Type you selected.

For Static, you'll be able to select one of your uploaded assets as the image source.

For Remote Url, you'll be able to enter a URL to use as the image source.

For Data you'll be able to pass a dynamic value such as a value from a Fetch or List.

Conditional Display

You can conditionally display a component based on a given condition. Learn more about conditionally displaying components in the Conditional Display doc.