
Fetch data to render on your Screen

How to use

Before you can use the Fetch component, you'll need to set up a REST API Service and Endpoint.

Once you have a Service and Endpoint configured, you can add a Fetch component to your Screen from the component picker. The Fetch component lets you select the Service and Endpoint, and pass data to any query parameters you specified.

After you've configured the Service and Endpoint on the Fetch component, the data returned in the response will be listed as Top-level response in any dropdowns on child components where variables can be selected.

You can access nested data by typing a keypath into the transform with input below the variable selector and also apply any of the available Transform Functions.

There's also several Triggers available on the Fetch component that allow you to take Actions based on different conditions and these Triggers will also have access to the Top-level response.

Data Properties

ServiceName of the REST API service you have created inside the Draftbit app.
EndpointName of the API Endpoint to fetch data from
Query ParamsOption available if the Endpoint has a query parameter attached to it. For example, https://example-data.draftbit.com/books?_limit={{limitParam}} has a query parameter called limitParam. On the Fetch component, you can define a custom value for this parameter.
Poll IntervalAn optional number representing the milliseconds (ms) to wait between refetching data from the Endpoint. For example, if you set the value to 3000 ms, the Fetch component will automatically refetch the data every 3 seconds. Disabled by default.
Refetch On Window FocusWhen set to true, the query will refetch on window focus if the data is stale. When set to false, the query will not refetch on window focus. When set to "always", the query will always refetch on window focus. Defaults to true.
Refetch On MountWhen set to true, the query will refetch on mount if the data is stale. When set to false, the query will not refetch on mount. When set to "always", the query will always refetch on mount. Defaults to true.
Refetch On ReconnectWhen set to true, the query will refetch on reconnect if the data is stale. When set to false, the query will not refetch on reconnect. When set to "always", the query will always refetch on reconnect. Defaults to true.
RetryWhen set to false, failed queries will not retry by default. When set to true, failed queries will retry infinitely. When set to a number, e.g. 3, failed queries will retry until the failed query count meets that number. Defaults to 3.
Stale TimeAn optional time in milliseconds after which the data is considered stale. Defaults to 0
Timeout (ms)An optional non-zero number in milliseconds to wait before firing the On Timeout Trigger

Conditional Display

You can conditionally display a component based on a given condition. Learn more about conditionally displaying components in the Conditional Display doc.


Any Actions you setup on Fetch Triggers will also have access to Top-level response in variable dropdowns.

In addition, there is a fetchData variable available in Actions which contains the entire response object from the request. See below for an example.

On DataExecutes when data has been successfully loaded.
On Processing(1xx).Executes when the response status is 1xx (informational response)
On Success (2xx).Executes when the response status is 2xx (successful)
On Redirect (3xx).Executes when the response status is 3xx (redirection)
On Request Error (4xx).Executes when the response status is 3xx (client error)
On Unauthorized Request.Executes when the response status is 401 (authentication error)
On Not Found (404).Executes when the response status is 404 (missing resource)
On Server Error (5xx).Executes when the response status is 5xx (server error)
On TimeoutExecutes when the request exceeds to value set for Timeout (ms) Data property

fetchData in Actions

This is an example of what's returned by fetchData for Actions within Fetch Triggers.

  status: 200,
  statusText: "Ok",
  text: "...",
  json: [{...}]
statusResponse status code
statusTextResponse status text
textResponse body text
jsonResponse body JSON


Learn how to set and use the Fetch and List component in Fetching Data.