Map Circle
The Map Cirle adds a circular indicator to the Map View
How to use
The Map Circle is nested inside the Map View component to render a circular indicator on the map. You can set the latitude and longitude to specify the center of the circle and a radius in meters to determine the circle's size.
Style Properties
Name | Description |
Color | The color the circle. This is shown in low transparency. |
Border Color | The color the circle's border. |
Configuration Properties
Name | Description |
Component name | The name of the component as it appears in the Screen's component tree |
Data Properties
Name | Description |
Latitude | The latitude in which the center of the circle is located |
Longitude | The longitude in which the center of the circle is located |
Radius | The radius of the circle in meters |
Conditional Display
You can conditionally display a component based on a given condition. Learn more about conditionally displaying components in the Conditional Display doc.
Updated 3 months ago