Push Notifications for Android

Get a Firebase account

Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service is used to send push notifications on Android. Sign up for an account here: https://firebase.google.com

Create a Firebase project

You'll need a Firebase project for your app. You can create one from the Firebase console.

Add an Android App

For each Firebase project, you add the types of apps you're building. In this case, you'll need to add an Android app to your Firebase project.

Make sure that the Android package name you enter matches the package name you have set in your Draftbit project at Project Settings > Google Play Store > Package name (docs)

Download google-services.json file

When you get to the Download config file step, download the google-services.json file to your computer making note of its location.

Generate Google Service Account Key

In the Firebase console, open Project settings > Service accounts for your project.

Then, click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key. Securely store the JSON file containing the private key.

Send credentials to Draftbit

Once you have your apps google-services.json file and the Server Key, contact us through Intercom and provide the credentials. We will add them to your Draftbit app.

Once your credentials have been added, your app will be ready to receive push notifications.